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Pastor's Ponderings and Getting to Know Us

About Being Presbyterian

What is a Presbyterian?

We have a strange-sounding name that makes it seem as though we are way different than other denominations.

 Strange name? Yes. 

Way different? Not so much.

  • First, Presbyterians are Christians. We firmly believe in Jesus of Nazareth as Lord and Savior, and through him worship the one God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  • Second, our name is based on the Greek word in the Bible: presbuteros which means Elder. We are a denomination in which each congregation is governed by men and women ordained as Elders. (This has nothing to do with their age, but is a position in the congregation.) Thus Presbyterian.

The governing board of each congregation is called the Session made up of the Elders. A regional group of congregations is called a Presbytery (there’s that funny word again). A group of Presbyteries is called a Synod (“sin-odd,” but not odd sinners :). And all the congregations, Presbyteries, and Synods make up the General Assembly – the nation-wide Presbyterian body.

There are different “flavors” of Presbyterians around the country and world. 

Our two congregations are part of the Presbyterian Church (USA).

Your First Time Worshiping with Us

If you’re checking out either of our congregations for the first time, you can expect the same thing that many now look forward to every week: a place to experience firsthand an openness to all who come, a warm welcome, and a safe place to listen for and embrace the word of God.

At the Laurel Hill Church, worship begins at 9:00. You may park anywhere on the grass. (We have lots of it!)

When you enter the church, you will more than likely hear conversations taking place, often about the latest happenings in the area. Those conversations will pause in order to welcome you and make sure you feel at home.

The Laurel Hill congregation is small but very warm and friendly. You will see about 8 or 9 people (ranging in age from 50 on up) in the soft comfortable pews and a small but beautiful pipe organ inside of this beautiful country church.

On a 5th Sunday of any month, we enjoy some fellowship and snacks after worship to visit and enjoy more time together.

At the Crestview Church, worship begins at 11:00. You will find parking behind the church building, and on the side streets. The main entrance is normally on Courthouse Terrace. Due to a car accident we a currently meeting in the fellowship hall in the Education Building. Just go through the glass door.

You will be greeted by several folks who will want to do nothing more than to make you feel welcome, answer your questions, and help you find your way around.

In the fellowship hall you will notice anywhere from 25-40 persons ranging in age from young children to folks in their 90’s, some wearing masks, many not. It’s a personal choice.

There is a nursery for the youngest children upstairs staffed by a mother who has been a part of this congregation for over 20 years, she is a great caregiver and teacher, and absolutely loves children.

Both congregations enjoy a traditional worship service. Each congregation is blessed to have very talented musicians at the keyboard.

The message? Based on the Bible, the Pastor Mark endeavors to provide food for thought in knowing God’s word and how it applies to every-day living.

 What to Wear?

We invite you to dress casually and comfortably. You’ll fit right in. After all, the Bible tells us that God is more concerned with our hearts than he is with how we dress or look (1 Samuel 16:7).

What Do Presbyterians Believe?

We are a denomination that seeks to glorify God not just in Sunday worship, but in all of life. We vigorously hold on to all the same basics as Christians around the world: God is our Creator, Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer, God’s Holy Spirit is God’s power and presence among us.

Presbyterians insist that God alone is Lord of the conscience, and therefore we welcome diversity and exploring answers to questions. We like to learn and be challenged. We like to pray, read and study the Bible, and discuss issues as they relate to scripture. We are typically okay with the adage that we “agree to disagree” on various matters – but not the essentials mentioned above.

We believe God calls people to service, kindness, and compassion. We believe God desires us to exercise a proper stewardship of all the gifts of creation. We believe that our ultimate allegiance in life belongs to God alone. And we hear God’s call to work for the transformation of society in obedience to God’s Word.

We are a denomination that seeks to glorify God not just in Sunday worship, but in all of life.


At First Presbyterian Church of Crestview, we celebrate Communion the 1st Sunday of each month, and at Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church we celebrate communion each even numbered month. All who believe in Jesus are welcome at the Lord's Table. We do this as a reminder of the deep love he has for all of us.

A Reflective Journey through, Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi

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