Summer Diaper Drive
Last Summer was so much fun and such a success from today till July 31st we are teaming up with Families First and doing it again. This time we need sizes 4, 5 and 6. So show some support for the babies and lets make this the biggest diaper event ever!

My girl Ms. Celia has been working with Families First for quite some time, years really now, and organizes with them to give out food baskets at Christmas. Well last summer Ms. Celia came up with the diaper drive idea and it was a wonderful success. Families First had diapers coming out their ears. There are a lot of babies in need in Crestview and the diapers did not last forever though. Everyone had such a great time. Well, Just check the videos, obviously. We decided this should be an annual thing.
For the rest of the month of June and all of July we are going to collect as many packs of diapers as humanly possible I’m asking everyone from church and the community to bring us packs of diapers size 4, 5 and 6 in size 24 count packs or as close to that amount as possible. ( We learned last year the super size Walmart boxes are full of small packs) not sure of other brands but if you are in the know share tips please. Then we are taking them to Families First so that they will have them to distribute for the rest of the year or however long they last. They run about $8 to $10 a pack. If everybody in town gets a pack and donates we should be able to Cover all the baby bottoms that need help covering in Crestview till Christmas.