Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church
Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church was started in 1898 when Laurel Hill was in the process of growing because of the logging industry. The picturesque sanctuary maintains much of its turn-of-the-century charm.
While the congregation has remained small in number during its history, the impact it has had in the community has been noted by many.
In recent years, an annual “Living Nativity,” during which visitors walk along a luminary-lighted path, journey back in time to visit persons that experienced in their unique way the birth of the Christ Child. This annual event has been provided since 2010, with an average of 125 persons enjoying the one-night event in early December.
Another annual event is our Arts and Heritage Festival. Held in late spring or early summer since 2009, artists of all kinds (woodworking, crafts, music, dance, food, etc.), as well as social agencies, set up tents at no cost to demonstrate their talents, and hopefully, sell some. This one-half-day event is looked forward to each year by those that display and those that attend.
Every Sunday morning, worship begins at 9:00. You may park anywhere on the grass. (We have lots of it!)
When you enter the church, you will more than likely hear conversations taking place, often about the latest happenings in the area. But those questions will stop in order to welcome you and make you feel at home.
The Laurel Hill congregation is small but very warm and welcoming. You will observe 8 or 9 people (ranging in age from 50 on up) in the soft comfortable pews of this beautiful country church, and a small but beautiful pipe organ. Worship is traditional. (As one person described it: “Your grandmother’s church and proud of it!”)
On a fifth Sunday of any month, we enjoy some fellowship and snacks after worship to visit and enjoy more time together.
Yes, Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church may be small in numbers, but the enjoyment of serving the community in the name of our Lord, is great.