2 Cent a Meal
Do You Know about Rosellyn?
Have you got 2 pennies? Can you spare them? I think right now I probably have 2 pennies in the sand on the floorboard of my minivan. Can you turn 2 pennies into a meal? The Two Cents-a-Meal program invites everyone to prayerfully contribute just 2 pennies at each meal to help stop hunger and poverty. The original concept behind the contributions come from “living more simply so that others may simply live.” Participating is also a commitment to respond to Jesus’ command, “They need not go away, You give them something to eat.” Matthew 14:16
The Two Cents-a-Meal idea started with a Presbyterian women group wanting to give an opportunity for people to participate in a large-scale way to effect world hunger. They started the Presbyterian Women’s Birthday Offering and funded a hunger program that started the Hunger Action Enabler network in 1973. Then in November 1975, a woman in Florida named Rosellyn Calvert, was upset because her own family was struggling financially but she wanted to help with the cause to fight world hunger. She took to prayer. She asked God for the answer. She was led to give two cents each meal. Her family saw the good in it and committed to do the same 5 months later, in April of 1976 Rosellyn shared the concept with her presbytery. They loved it so much it was adapted by everyone then quickly spread to the other presbyteries. It is the mindfulness. If you set that change aside at each meal the daily interaction is a reminder of the reality of hunger for millions upon millions of our sisters and brothers in this world. When you and the other members of your congregation are participating you can see the accumulation of the funds and know that you are helping. So, get some rolled coins give them out to your family after you say grace and before you eat take a couple out and put them by your plate so you can remember why you are giving. Collect them when you clear the plates and on the last Sunday of the month let the youngest drop them in the watermelon on the back table. We will make sure they get to where they need to be. You will know you are doing your part to stop world hunger, from here in Crestview to around the planet.
45% of the Two Cents-a-Meal offering is given in grants to local organizations and agencies like this churches Soup Kitchen and the Soup Kitchen in the Presbyterian Church in the town next door and 45% is awarded to regional, national, and international organizations and agencies. All grant recipients must address hunger through one or more of the following five Presbyterian Hunger Program areas of emphasis: direct food relief, development assistance, public policy advocacy, hunger education and/or lifestyle integrity.
The remaining 10% is used for administrative costs. The current Two Cents-A-Meal report will show that neighbors near and far benefit greatly from participants’ generosity! See the PCUSA website for that information.

We Give Our 2 Cent a Meal Offering the last Sunday of each month
When you set aside 2 pennies every time you eat you are saving $1.86 a month to stamp out hunger. If a family of 4 did it together, they would save $7.44 a month and donate it to stopping hunger. Wouldn't that be wonderful?